DECISION 2005. Deep End Dining Needs You! Help Us Pick a Logo. Choose or Snooze.
There is a moment in every foodblog’s existence when it must ask itself: To logo or not to logo? We heart Blogger but still we felt we needed a little more of a personal mark to add to Blogger’s just-add-words template. Therefore we say, “go logo!” So now the problem is what should the logo be? Basically, we're branding ourselves. We already have the name, Deep End Dining, but the question remains: What should Deep End Dining look like? And if a Deep End Diner is eating in a forest but nobody is there to wait on him, is he really dining? Discuss.
Anyhow, my professional graphic artist slash graphic arts teacher friend (freaking mouthful!), Magdy, has come up with a couple of rough designs based on my descriptions and these are what he’s presenting to us.

Now, here’s the fun part. Deep End Dining is temporarily going to be transformed from a stark raving mad dictatorship to a warm and fuzzy democracy (without the mess of a coup d'état). Cue patriotic music. So you, Citizen, get to help in deciding which logo becomes Deep End Dining’s official logo!! It’s not just a privilege; it’s a responsibility, for God’s sake! This is it, guys! Between the last election and the next big one in 2008, this is as good as it gets. So ask not what Deep End Dining can do for you; ask which Deep End Dining logo would look best on a Hanes 100% cotton t-shirt! Thank you.
To vote: Just send an e-mail to:
deependlogo at yahoo dot com.
Put in the SUBJECT LINE either the word “diver” for the deep sea diver logo or “fish” for the blowfish logo. That’s it. No hanging chads or exit polls. One person. One vote. We’ll let the voting ride through the Fourth of July, then tally up the votes and announce the results shortly thereafter. Choose or…don’t. But have fun!
With gratitude, Eddie, Megan & Eric
Anyhow, my professional graphic artist slash graphic arts teacher friend (freaking mouthful!), Magdy, has come up with a couple of rough designs based on my descriptions and these are what he’s presenting to us.

Now, here’s the fun part. Deep End Dining is temporarily going to be transformed from a stark raving mad dictatorship to a warm and fuzzy democracy (without the mess of a coup d'état). Cue patriotic music. So you, Citizen, get to help in deciding which logo becomes Deep End Dining’s official logo!! It’s not just a privilege; it’s a responsibility, for God’s sake! This is it, guys! Between the last election and the next big one in 2008, this is as good as it gets. So ask not what Deep End Dining can do for you; ask which Deep End Dining logo would look best on a Hanes 100% cotton t-shirt! Thank you.
To vote: Just send an e-mail to:
deependlogo at yahoo dot com.
Put in the SUBJECT LINE either the word “diver” for the deep sea diver logo or “fish” for the blowfish logo. That’s it. No hanging chads or exit polls. One person. One vote. We’ll let the voting ride through the Fourth of July, then tally up the votes and announce the results shortly thereafter. Choose or…don’t. But have fun!
With gratitude, Eddie, Megan & Eric
but my vote goes for the fish