You Gotta Give a Little... A Fundraiser Message From Evan Kleiman of KCRW's Good Food Show.
Evan Kleiman, host of Good Food.
Even the Kogi BBQ Truck is donating food to the KCRW fundraising drive. If you're a follower of my blog, then you know I'm a regular guest of KCRW's Good Food Show with Evan Kleiman. If you're a fan of mine and a listener of KCRW 89.9 FM in Los Angeles or KCRW.COM, then please donate a little money to show your support. You already get to read my blog for free, cheap-o!
Seriously, I know it's tough times, but please don't cut out the KCRW portion of your budget. And, if you've never given, then I challenge you to start... small. It'll be easier. Donate 5 bucks a month. Do it online at the KCRW website.
Yes, you can!