Deep End Vegan??? Check Out the 4th Annual Compassionate Cuisine Event Celebrating World Vegetarian Day. Friday, October 9, 2009. 7 to 11PM.

Porky, Bessie and Clucky are ecstatic not to be on your plate. (The straw rice field hats are a hoot too.)
Yes, this is still Deep End Dining, the food blog that brought you extreme cuisines like live octopus tentacles and duck fetus. But, unlike Anthony Bourdain, I don't hate vegetarians, and, further, I actually have a conscience and a functioning capacity for compassion towards my fellow living creatures, especially the ones I like to eat.
Believe it or not, I once was briefly a vegetarian. I've even dated vegetarians and vegans for that matter. Each and all of them broke up with me for various reasons but, oddly, not because of my omnivorous diet. Strange bedfellows, for sure.
Although my stint with not eating meat was short lived, I did come out of the experience realizing that I've been consuming too much meat and animal products. My old diet of lots and lots of meat was, I recognized, not good for me, certain animals or the planet. I've adopted what New York Times food writer Mark Bittman cheekily dubbed "lessmeatagetarianism" or what is technically flexitarianism, a mainly vegetarian diet with occasional meat consumption. Ideally, I now eat one meat dish per day, usually during lunch or dinner (albeit that meat dish may be blutzugenwurst or beef tendon). C'mon, I still like the weird stuff.
In my quest to eat less meat, diversify my vegetarian fare, have more awareness of the animals I consume and understand the impact eating meat has on our planet, I am attending and helping to promote Compassionate Cuisine, a food event celebrating World Vegetarian Day and benefiting Animal Acres with Carol Leifer, comedian and author ("When You Lie About Your Age, The Terrorists Win"), as special guest host. I sincerely hope to see you there.
"From Indian and Mediterranean, to country barbequed mock chicken and home style chili, guests can sample from a dazzling array of vegan foods from California's top veg restaurants and veg food companies, while enjoying organic wines and beer. The event provides a great opportunity to introduce friends and family to vegan foods, while learning about farmed animal protection issues.
Last year's event attracted over 200 participants! Seating is limited - please click here to purchase your event ticket(s) today or call 661-269-5404. Tickets are $35 per person and includes all food! Tickets must be reserved by October 8th for the advanced ticket price - tickets at the door are $45 per person."
Earl Burns Miller Japanese Gardens
1250 Bellflower Blvd. Long Beach, CA 90815
For full details, please go to the official event website, Compassionate Cuisine.
And, more about Animal Acres.
Not a fan of fake meat products, mind you, but I've come to learn that veggies and crap are ABSOLUTELY dericious! I mean, most of the fLavor comes from things like onions, garLic, ginger and herbs, right?
I am a vegan and I have no problem with meat eaters as long as they don't go out of their way to trash us, like A. Bordain. It's good that you're open to all kinds of food as long as it tastes good.