Let's Talk Turkey...Necks! Eddie Lin Visits the BBQ Church in Compton, CA for the Good Food Show. Sat., Nov. 21st at 11AM PST. KCRW 89.9FM & KCRW.com

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There is nothing like going to town on a nice piece of chicken neck after the rest of the bird has been polished off. It's kinda like dessert to me. Saving the best for last. What's even better than a chicken neck is, by far, the neck of a turkey. To sweeten the deal, smoke that turkey neck till it's tender and all barbecuey and you're in heaven. And, quite apropos, heaven is what this food hopes to inspire within you because it's cooked up by the BBQ Church.
Check out my story on Compton's BBQ Church at the Prayer Assembly Church of God in Christ. I'll take you on an audio tour of this very unique BBQ venue with their even more unique specialty item, barbecue turkey necks.
Listen this Saturday, November 21, 11AM PST at 89.9 FM KCRW and at KCRW.com. And then rush over to the BBQ Church for some of those tasty turkey necks. You'll thank me later.
I doubt it.
Yes, you will.