The ESPN Match Truck, International Street Food, Koreatown & the Vuvuzela. All This Saturday on KCRW's Good Food at 11AM PST 89.9 FM or
Street food.
Everyone is crazy about the World Cup right now. And for the U.S. team, the madness has definitely reached a fever pitch. When that level of excitement happens, people tend to get really hungry. That's the genius of the ESPN Match Truck because it's right where you need it to be when it's time to chow down hard.
Sea of Korean red in K-Town.
Delicious international street food, ice cold drinks, a massive LCD screen suspended by chains on top of the Match Truck and a few thousand vuvuzelas and thunder sticks, what else could you possibly need to catch World Cup fever?
The ESPN Match Truck.
Also, hear me try to blow a vuvuzela! The key word here being "blow".
Listen to the football and food pandemonium this Saturday on KCRW 89.9FM at 11AM Pacific time or anytime at!