Making Pizza by the Sea. From Pizza Doh! to Pizza Dough. Larry's in Venice, CA. Saturday, Oct. 15th on 89.9 FM KCRW or

Green Chorizo & Egg Pizza

When Chef Brendan Collins (Waterloo & City, Palihouse) decided to feature a bunch of interesting pizzas on his menu at his latest nosh spot Larry's in the heart of Venice Beach, the last thing he thought he had to really figure out was the pizza dough. In fact, it probably was the most challenging aspect of his creative pizzas.

The primary dilemma is that salt air is like kryptonite to yeast ― it kills the crucial crust ingredient. With much experimentation, Chef Collins was able to cleverly figure out a solution and it has something to do with bagels and beer.

Shrimp Diablo Pizza

Discover what saved the fantastic pizzas at Larry's in Venice. I interviewed Chef Collins to find out his secret to a great seaside slice!

Listen in Saturday, October 15, 2011 at 11AM PST at 89.9FM KCRW or anytime after broadcast on

24 Windward Ave
Venice, CA 90291

Mon-Wed, Sun 11:30AM - 11:30PM
Thu-Sat 11:30AM - 1AM


Alice said…
Woah - I didn't know salty air kills the yeast! Even in the enclosed kitchens? LOVE Waterloo, etc. Added Larry's to our list to check out! Thanks :)
Anonymous said…
I love the egg toppings on it. I just got lucky today to have this article. I'll try to make a pizza like this :D