Cow Udder and Other Utterly Bizarre Food at the 9th Annual Weird Food Festival. Oak Park, CA.

Udderly speechless.
Imagine being invited to a “dinner” where for the amuse-gueule you are served kangaroo jerky. Then out come the hors d'œuvres — a trio of miniature Korean spicy baby crabs so small they look like red beetles. Another appetizer is presented and you soon discover that it’s pan-fried beaver’s tail. A tray of gelatin cakes derived from acorns shows up for your eating pleasure as well. Then there’s the Russian bread on which you may either spread the horseradish jam or pure pork fat. Pick your poison. An entrée appears; it’s a cow’s udder, naturally. At this point of the meal, you wouldn’t be the slightest fazed if a catatonic and drooling Ray Liotta was rolled out on a gurney with a hole on the top of his skull and dessert spoons jutting out of his brain.

This ain’t fat with a P-H, yo!

Want some beaver? Heh, heh, heh. I said “beaver”.

Cod liver. Shiver me liver!
If you were at this dinner, would you:
a) call a friend and invite him?
b) call a friend and have him call you back on your cell to give you an emergency exit from this freaky feast?
c) say you are allergic to absolutely all of the food and watch the other guests violate their GI tracts?
d) eat with abandon and pop a couple of Tums when you get home?
Or you can just click play and watch this video of the 9th Annual Weird Food Festival for yourself. See what I do for you guys! I sacrifice my gut and gullet so you don’t have to. I’m such a giver.
WFF IX from eric alba on Vimeo.
yes, young padawan, one day.
i'll gladly arrange an invitation to the next ghastly gourmet gathering.
good to hear from you!
udder was an utter disappointment. too tough...should've been braised chinese style. and, um, no milky way about it.
She has attempted to make a beaver tail casserole of sorts for me a few times. I have yet to be able to choke it down (the odor is appalling) , but she says it brings back fond memories for her.
Take it from an Aussie (who once dated oh-so-briefly a guy who took her on a nighttime kangaroo hunt, shot and killed the (stationery) 'roo, skinned it, minced it then made burgers) you ain't had 'roo 'till you've had it *fresh*.
It was really tough and not especially appealing.
Fantastic post, Eddie -- love the addition of the Close Encounters theme for the spooky brussels sprouts mother ship.
Thanks for taking one (several) for the team. I could NEVER be as gastronomically adventurous as you are! And I 'never say never,' but this time I really mean it.
thanks! you are too kind! what do you want from me? hey, great job on "weekend america" this past weekend!
thanks so much!
doc chuck,
another great yarn. love your deep end dining tales from out there.
the cow udder just needed to be braised with some good seasoning. yes, the beaver tail is pretty yummy when fried.
i shall let the powers that be know of your interest. peace.
hunter gardner angler cook (i need a mechanic. ru12?),
yes, i need to try the rest of the beaver some time. heh, heh.
love your roo burger story. too bad it wasn't a love connection because i'd love to try one. thanks for your film critique of my vid. i really do appreciate your review since you ARE a pro!
where did they get all those special ingredients? in los angeles there are all sorts of ethnic and specialty stores and some of the items were acquired at those establishments. whole foods was a source. the beaver tail and cow udder was delivered to the organizers by a vet. the parts were all from healthy animals that died from natural causes sans disease.
I found another udder recipe fer ya! (I just like saying that..."anudder udder recipe..." )
It's from The Old Foodie.