Deep Fry Dining @ the L.A. County Fair. Pirates, Pig Races & Placenta. Nowhere But the Fair!!

Soy sauce ice cream. 500 calories.

Deep Fried Twinkie drizzled with chocolate syrup. 1500 calories.

Krispy Kreme fried chicken sandwich. 2750 calories.

BBQ beef sundae. 3000 calories.
An hour on the treadmill. Worthless.
The L.A. County Fair gets me in a submission hold with its carnivore's carnival, pig races, XXL beverages, pretty pirates, cow placenta, and, of course, fried freakiness galore! Believe it or not, I had never ever been to a fair before. (Well, book fairs don't count, right?) I've only heard via second hand regaling of the bizarre bazaar-like atmosphere, plus-sized foodies rolling on Rascals with funnel cake in one hand and a churro in the other, and the booth that deep fries anything that moves... or not.
The Deep End Dining gods were smiling on me that afternoon as I witnessed a moo cow, who just gave birth to a wobbly calf, chew on her freshly ejected afterbirth. It was both a sight to behold and to avoid. Of course, I got it all on camera just for you, my deeplings!

Look! A chick pirate! Just don't call her a wench. Harlot of the high seas isn't good either. I tried that one. Not good.
Anyway, press play and you'll be at the FAIR in HD!!! Enjoy your churro!
It's been a week since the fair and I'm still trying to work off all that grease! It was a lot of fun at the fair though!